Ayurvedic Cure For Kidney Cancer
How Important Are Kidneys? Every human being is born with 2 kidneys, but there are few exceptional cases also in which the person is born with a single kidney. They are located above the waist on both sides of the spine. These bean-shaped organs are of fist size. The essential duty of the kidney is to filter blood and remove all the waste from the body. Every day the kidney filters around 190 litres of blood that generates around 2 litres of urine. Maximum people have two kidneys and each kidney works independently, which means that the body can survive if one kidney is not working properly. What do You Mean by Kidney Cancer? When healthy cells in the kidneys change and develop suddenly, forming a mass which is called a renal cortical tumour lead to kidney cancer. A tumour can be deadly, or benign. A deadly tumour is cancerous, which means that it can grow rapidly and can spread into other parts of the body. A benign tumour can develop but it will not spread into other parts of th...